At Vatu Ltd, we have 3 main goals: Create high-quality websites Give great customer service to our clients Create a happy, safe,...
Hosting Your Service on AWS Lambda
Abstract This article will go over hosting our RSS Feed Slack Bot we created earlier. If you have not followed along you can grab the code from Github. I chose to use AWS Lambda because it should cost less than a dedicated hosting solution, such as EC2. Also, I wanted to learn how to use AWS Lambda. Adding an AWS Lambda Hook Add this [...]
Create a Slack Bot for RSS Feeds
Abstract The goal of this project was to create a Slack Bot which would post blog updates into our Slack. This was born in part, due to laziness. I did not want to manually check for new posts and I had reached the RSS feed limit in my reader. I also wanted to learn AWS Lambda, S3, and the AWS SDK, boto3. I should note, this [...]